
How to prevent the flu - House Cleaning Florence


When someone in your house gets sick with the flu it isn't pleasant. It would be best if you could keep the virus at bay to begin with. There are things you can do to make the house cleaner and less likely to harbor viruses. You can try these six tips by house cleaning Florence


Use Good Coughing and Sneezing Habits: 


When house cleaning, colds and influenza are spread through direct contact. The afflicted individuals should be careful to spread germs by keeping their hands clean and not coughing or sneezing in the direction of another person. 


On the off chance that you are near an individual who has influenza, try not to be too close to them during the house cleaning 

- When house cleaning, ensure that you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue to diminish the odds of spreading the virus. 


- When house cleaning, if you must sneeze and do not have a tissue on hand, sneeze into the crook of your arm; at the inside of your elbow. This will lessen the likelyhood of spreading the virus. 


Wash Your Hands Often: 


During house cleaning, you should wash your hands as often as you sneeze in order to reduce speading the flu. Hand sanitzer can work in a pinch but dries out your skin and should not be used often. 


Running your fingertips:


Washing your hands should take around 20 seconds in order to do a thourough job. Dont' forget to run your fingertips through the space between your other fingers to ensure a complete clean. 


Other clean-hand tips: 

- Wash your hands after of dealing with anything the flu sufferer may have contacted, like a dish, cup, or towel. 


- Don't contact your face except if you've recently washed your hands. 

Set up the stay with all that they may require, similar to tissues, medication, a thermometer, and a pitcher or cooler with beverages. 


In a perfect world, only one individual would deal with the debilitated one. Every other person should avoid contact as possible. 


Separate Germs:


On the off chance that you have more than one washroom, save one for the sick individual. Advise relatives to utilize the other washroom


For more house cleaning tips call your local house cleaning Florence experts.